Corporate / Financial PR

Sense Consultancy Group works alongside our clients to build their corporate reputation and position themselves to appeal favorably to key and potential stakeholders ranging from customers and suppliers to investors, bankers, policymakers and members of the public.


With a team of experienced former journalists from global news organizations, we are able to activate corporate and financial PR campaigns with distinct value propositions, clear and credible stories, and relevance. Leveraging our extensive network of media practitioners, we help companies differentiate themselves, improve their reputation for corporate governance and transparency, and achieve greater control of their narrative.



In addition, our involvement in Investor Relations (IR) makes us uniquely positioned to deliver integrated financial PR+IR campaigns, something pure-play PR firms cannot provide.
We deliver quantifiable value to our clients not only during special, complex situations or transactions, but also on an ongoing basis when companies are primarily engaged in their day-to-day operations.
Our capabilities include:
  • Strategic Communications
  • Media Relations
  • Media Engagement
  • Media Monitoring
  • Media Training
  • Media Interviews
  • Press Conferences
  • Media Briefings
  • Media Familiarisation Tours
  • Media Networking Sessions
  • International Study Trips
  • ESG and CSR activities
  • Copywriting Services